Sometimes I am so overwhelmed at the need in Swaziland that I feel paralized. Moving by the Spirit of God, when I myself feel paralized, has given me a richness of faith that cannot be easily tossed by the wind.
In the face of poverty and death I can feel the mocking of the enemy; in Swaziland it apears as if he has won. That feeling is paralizing. But over time I have come to see that for those of us who believe it is just that, mocking. God’s victory cannot be stolen by mockery. The truth is that we all live among poverty.
We live in poverty of compassion, purpose and hope. We allow how close to home something hits to determine how much we care, and fail to identify with the pain of others.
We are pulled toward petty things; towards the world. Like you, we all faced a tension between this world and the purpose our Maker fashioned us for. When faced with overwhelming need we feel powerless. In powerlessness we are paralized and our hope fades.
This is just the plan of the enemy’s mocking; that hope would fade. The enemy says “there is never enough, don’t care it is not your problem, make something of yourself, you can’t change anything.” Well, friends I will not stand by and and let the enemy mock the Most High God! When I feel paralized it is only for a moment. Because I know the God I serve is the
GREAT I AM. When the enemy mocks me trying to deminish my hope by saying, “Are you able to make a difference?” I can only say, “I am not, but I know
I AM.”
Our God is able. I believe the word of GOD. I beleive he is who he says he is and that I am who he says I am. I am NOT paralized; I am moving in a richness of faith that cannot be tossed.
I felt sad and convicted as I read the part about the enemy telling us that we need to make something of ourselves. Do you know how many times that goes through my head. Being a stay at home Mom, I often feel that I should be out there making money or climbing some sort of important financial lader and earning envey from the world. The need to feel status with the world rushes over me so often as I sit at home feeding my one year old cherrios, playing with toys, and playing peek-a-boo. It is kind of Ironic that the importance that I seek is already being met in my role as Tyler’s Mom. He tells us to raise our children in the way of the Lord. So being a parent brings the Great responsiblity to teach them to know and count on the Lord. Now if that is not important I dont know what is. God tells me that what I am doing is furthering his kingdom and in return I have to belive that “I am who he says I am”. Katy, thank you for the encouragement. And the reminder that enemy is all around seaking the weekness that he knows lies in the hidden parts of our hearts. We MUST give God control of that part of our heart or we will continue to desire the approval of the world rather than God.
Katy….. I love how much you challenge me and all your other readers – it’s great. Know you are covered in prayer always….
Just wanted to say that you are beautiful!